These pages have been developed via a grant from the Centre for Hidden Histories, an Arts and Humanities Research Council Engagement Centre for the study of World War One, one of five such centres around the country. The Centre for Hidden Histories was set up to explore histories of World War One away from the Western Front, or involving communities from regions across Europe and the rest of the world whose histories are not well known in the UK. The projects bring together academics from the Centre for Hidden Histories and community groups around the country.
The current project is a joint venture by Dr Nigel Hunt from the Centre for Hidden Histories and the Finnish Saturday School in the East Midlands, led by Kirsi Tikkanen. The project aims to develop understanding of the Finnish Civil War (1918) from an English Language perspective. Enabling a wider range of people to learn about the war. There is relatively little information available in the English language, and the aim is to fill this gap. This website is the key outcome, but there has also been a series of films shown about the war.
Contributors: Modestino Carbone, Nigel Hunt, Kirsi Tikkanen, Samuel Tikkanen, Alisa Tikkanen, Tuija Ainonen